Suaree Borell

for Te Awanui, Māori ward

Tupu ki roto, Tupu ki waho, Tupu ki te whai ao ki te ao marama. Tihei Mauriora!

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe me to whānau. Kua tae te wā, kua huri te tai, anei o koutou punga I mau ai. Me aro koe ki te hā o Hine-ahu-one, ko te whaea te takere o te waka. Mai te tihi o Manono, rere atu ki ngā tai o Te Awanui. Anei ahau, tena tatou.

Kia ora,  Talofa lava, Ko Suaree Borell tōku ingoa, nestled in the heartland of my hapu Pirirakau we have called the highlands of Whakamārama home for over 120 years. Our Borell Homestead is safe and secure, bathed in the light of the mārama, blessed by the amazing and wonderous celestial constellations shining as they have since the dawn of time.

Through this deep connection of a Homestead I have always been certain of my place and purpose to serve others, and foster collective success across my endeavours. I am a benefactor of ancestors who activated and shaped experiences for me to thrive in. I have an innate love of people and believe in the strength of the common people. I was raised and loved by common people, and I am forever grateful for that.

When elected to Te Awanui ward I will deliver and activate the role guided by three principles, To Learn, To Lead and To Leverage.

I  bring a robust portfolio of community health leadership and  performance measuring skills from my business in which I own, run and direct  a Kaupapa Māori Health Research and Evaluation specialist.  I believe in and committed to diligent research, critical evaluation of council spending, and ensuring the best value for all people of Tauranga City.

I look forward to integrating a strategic vision within the role that expands Māori participation in civic decision making, increases awareness about
our productivity and contribution to key economies, and build  a platform to activate  new generation of councillors,  that can mobilise a vibrant and exciting vision for our beloved city.

I  believe in the power of change and the importance of giving people the opportunity to contribute positively to their communities. 

As  a candidate for the Te Awanui Māori Ward, I am more than qualified and best placed to do the job. I bring a unique perspective shaped by my personal and professional experiences and a deep commitment to our city's future. I am dedicated to working for the betterment of Tauranga and its residents.

Tauranga Moana - Tauranga Tangata , Anei ahau…

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