Campaign messages

Learn, Lead and Leverage!

Kia ora,  Talofa lava, my name is Suaree Borell, on my mothers side I hail from the centre of Samoa, Mānono Island, village of Salua. From my fathers side I am Ngāti Ranginui, and Ngāti Maniapoto.

Blessed by two beautiful  heritages I have always been certain of my place and purpose to serve others, and foster collective success across my endeavours. I have an innate love of people and believe in the strength of the common people. I was raised and loved by common people, and I am forever grateful for that.

As the only wahine standing for the role I celebrate everything that women are, and everything they bring to governance. I stand and ask for your vote to call forward a vision that ensures women are a driving force within all level of government.

To raise our civic consciousness (how decisions are made in a community, across local and central government) we need to stand for these opportunities, to learn, lead and leverage a better tomorrow for all whānau.

 When elected to Te Awanui ward I will deliver and activate the role guided by three principles, Learning, Leading and Leveraging.

My campaign for Te Awanui will deliver on the principles of Learning, Leading and Leveraging. It would be my honour to contribute my skills to Te Awanui. It will take an agile and adaptive ringa raupā to secure results for Māori.

Learning is the foundation on which we build our collective success as Māori. Leading is not about holding authority, but rather about inspiring and influencing others towards a common purpose. Leveraging is about maximising resources to achieve our goals.

I need your vote to do this. I am an advocate for community voice at the decision-making table, with governance and business experience, and have the time to activate this role for better outcomes for all Māori.

I  bring a robust portfolio of community health leadership and  performance measuring skills from my business in which I own, run and direct  a Kaupapa Māori Health Research and Evaluation specialist.  I believe in diligent research, critical evaluation of council spending, and ensuring the best value for all people of Tauranga City.

Opportunity anchored by obligation

"As a candidate for the Te Awanui Māori Ward, I see an opportunity anchored by obligation. The obligation to bring my experience as a Research and Evaluation specialist to our city's future. I am dedicated to working for the betterment of Tauranga and all its residents. To do better AND be better we need councillors who understand community needs, foster social cohesion and invest wisely in infrastructure.

This is Your Vote - Your Voice.

I look forward to integrating a strategic vision within the role that expands Māori participation in civic decision making, increases awareness about effective representation that is good for all, and builds social cohesion and inclusion as a foundation for a better city.

Your vote is an action to elect 10 councillors who are there to steward the decisions and work programmes of the staff and contractors of the city, this includes the CEO. As the elected representative of the Māori Ward, we can ensure that partnerships and opportunities for quality engagement with Māori are activated and optimised for, with and by Māori.

Te Awanui Ward is a flagship for equitable decision making that supports the following;

  • Māori wards provide a platform for Māori voices to be heard and represented in local government decision-making processes.

  • Māori make up a significant portion of New Zealand's population, and their perspectives and concerns deserve to be taken into account when making decisions that affect their communities.

  • Māori wards provide an opportunity for Māori to have a greater influence in decision-making processes and ensure that their unique cultural, social, and economic needs are considered.

  • Māori wards foster cultural diversity and inclusivity within local government. New Zealand's cultural identity is enriched by the presence of Māori culture, language, and traditions. By including Māori representatives in decision-making bodies, local government can tap into the wealth of knowledge and perspectives that Māori bring. This promotes a cohesive  and comprehensive  approach to governance, benefiting the entire community.