
E koekoe te tūī, e ketekete te kākā, e kūkū te kererū - The tui chatters, the kākā cackles, the kererū coos.

It takes a team effort, all contributions count and we would love to have your voice in our song. Every action helps and we are grateful for all of it. Our awesome whakatauki demonstrates this concept perfectly - let us know where your voice fits and we can sing together.

  • Tui

    This volunteer wants to talk, will call people and door knock letting people know about our candidate. This volunteer knows what time it is and why a wahine voice in the sweetest sound ever !

  • Kaka

    This volunteer will waves signs, drop flyers and let everyone know we got the goods for the mahi. To serve and shake up a better vision for this city we call home !!

  • Kererū

    This volunteer adores the candidate, will do any job for a kai, and a kata/giggle. This volunteer knows a win for our candidate is the best move for all !